On-line National Workshop On Intellectual Property and the Sustainable Development Goals: “Building Our Common Future with Innovation and Creativity” 28th April, 2024 (Sunday) 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM Click to view


Notice for NAD Digilocker ABC ID Click to view


Notice to LL.M. 2nd Semester Students Click here to view.


Call for Application for providing services of Law Graduates / Post Graduates by Education Department, Govt. of Bihar Click to view


All the students are hereby directed to create their Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) ID on DIGILOCKER Click to view


National Workshop ON EMPOWERING INTELLECTUAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR VIKSIT BHARAT@2047 On 22nd March, 2024 (Friday) Click to view


Brochure for Patent Special Lecture on 15th March, 2024 Click to view


Panchayati Raj Chair, Chanakya National Law University, Patna invites all interested persons to submit research papers for publication in CNLU Panchayati Raj Journal. Submit by 18th May, 2024. Click here to view.


Call for Application for providing services of Law Graduates / Post Graduates by Education Department, Govt. of Bihar Click to view


Selected Students for the Journal & Publication Committee Student’s Team Click to view




The CNLU Law Journal (CNLULJ) invites papers for it’s Volume XI (2023-2024). Click here to view.


A special lecture on Trademark and it’s Future on 16.02.2024. Resource Person: Dr. Althaf Masroof, Assistant Professor, NTU, Singapore. Click to view


Brochure for National Seminar on Transforming Knowledge into Intellectual Property Assets for VIKSIT BHARAT@2047 on 17.03.2024 Click to view


Repeat End Semester Examination, January, 2024 Re-evaluation Result Click to view


  • About
  • Publication Policy
  • Submission Guidelines
  • Editorial Board
  • Call for Paper
  • Archives
  • Current Issue


CNLU Law Journal (CNLULJ), founded in 2010, is a reputed Journal in socio-legal studies. The CNLULJ is a peer-reviewed journal listed in UGC-CARE under the social science discipline. This journal aims to promote scholarship that explores the relationship between society, policies, and law. The CNLULJ is an interdisciplinary forum that promotes dialogue on policy and law-related matters among diverse scholarly traditions, including but not limited to law, political science, management, policy studies, anthropology, sociology, economics, and history. We welcome contributions that demonstrate empirical or theoretical contributions to the pertinent socio-legal issues.

Publication Policy

Publication Policy

CNLU Law Journal (CNLULJ) is committed to cultivating intellectual dialogue and advancing scholarly standards within the cross-cutting domain of law and social sciences. We, therefore, adhere to the publication policy outlined below:

  1. Peer Review Process: A peer review process is applied to all submissions, guaranteeing that only original, high-quality scholarship is accepted for publication. The assessment of submissions encompasses the following criteria: importance, originality, approach, transparency, and impact on comprehending legal and policy matters.
  2. Publication Ethics: We adhere to publication integrity and ethics standards. Authors must comply with ethical principles concerning instances of plagiarism, falsification of data, and conflicts of interest. The editorial board is dedicated to ensuring every submission’s equitable, unbiased, and secure treatment. The editorial board reserves the right to reject or edit any article whose content is offensive or defamatory, explicitly unethical, or supports racism, sexual or religious discrimination, illegal activities, or terrorism.
  3. Authorship Criteria: To be considered for authorship, individuals must satisfy the following requirements: all designated authors must have significantly contributed to the work’s conception, design, analysis, or interpretation; furthermore, they must possess the capacity to uphold the research’s integrity.
  4. Copyright: The submissions should not infringe the copyright and any other right of a third party; if so, the journal disclaims any responsibility for copyright violation or any other liability; by submitting their work, the author grants CNLULJ any exclusive right to publish and reproduce it in all media. Such right is to be given with the view of observing the doctrine of fair use under intellectual property rights subject to the attribution of the author.
  5. Plagiarism Detection: Software for detecting plagiarism is utilized by CNLULJ to verify the authenticity of submitted manuscripts. Authors must present original work and appropriately attribute any sources consulted. Infractions of academic dishonesty or plagiarism shall be dealt with following our editorial policies. For reasons of plagiarism, the editorial board reserves the right to disqualify submissions.
  6. Editorial Independence: The editorial decisions of CNLULJ are rendered impartial about any external factors, such as the personal preferences or affiliations of the editorial board members. The journal’s publication, peer review, and manuscript selection processes are conducted exclusively based on academic merit and pertinence to its scope.

By adhering to these publication policies, CNLULJ aims to uphold the highest standards of scholarly publishing and contribute to advancing knowledge in the multidisciplinary field of law and social sciences.

Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

Your interest in publishing your research in the CNLU Law Journal (CNLULJ) is greatly appreciated. Please adhere to the following guidelines to facilitate efficient peer review and ensure a smooth submission process:

  1. Type of submissions: CNLULJ welcomes empirical and theoretical contributions, commentaries on topical socio-legal issues, and reviews of significant academic and popular works that interest the journal’s readership. The submissions can be made in the categories of research articles, both empirical and theoretical, notes and comments, and book reviews. The authors should follow the following word limits while preparing their manuscripts.
    1. Research Articles: 4,000-6,000 words (all inclusive). The empirical articles should adhere to the IMRaD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) Format. All research articles must contain an abstract, keywords, body of text, reference list, and any illustrations in the main document. Please upload the title page as a separate file.
    2. Notes and Comments: 1500-2500 words
    3. Book Review: 1000-2000 words
  2. Preparation of Manuscript: The manuscript should be single-spaced, in Times New Roman, in 12-point font with one-inch margins, in MS Word format; authors must submit two types of documents:
    1. The manuscript must include all identifying author information, one corresponding author’s details, affiliation, and acknowledgment (funding agency details, etc.).
    2. All identifying author information must be removed from the manuscript’s text. Please delete any notes of acknowledgment, author information, and identifying references to the author’s work. The manuscript must contain the following elements: the abstract (150-250 words), keywords (4- 5), body of text, reference list, and any illustrations as part of the main document.
  3. The journal uses British punctuation and spelling.
  4. Please use en-dashes rather than hyphens to separate page and date ranges.
  5. Use italics (not underlines) for titles and subtitles of published books, pamphlets, proceedings and collections, periodicals, newspapers, and sections of newspapers published separately.
  6. For authors’ names, use full first names rather than initials unless the author customarily uses only initials.
  7. Citations should be in author-date style with a full reference list, including only those works cited within the paper. Additional footnotes may be added, but all citations are in-text. Please see APA of Style’s citation guide here: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/paper-format
  8. The manuscript submission process entails electronic transmission through the CNLULJ to the email id editor.cnluljr@cnlu.ac.in. Kindly verify that all mandatory attachments (such as the manuscript file, cover letter, and author information) are enclosed and formatted appropriately before the submission.
  9. The quality and integrity of academic work are upheld through a stringent peer review process applied to all submissions to CNLULJ. Proficient evaluators will likely provide authors with feedback and suggestions for revising or enhancing their manuscripts.
  10. Ethical considerations dictate that authors conducting and reporting research follow ethical principles. This encompasses the appropriate citation of sources, the revelation of potential conflicts of interest, and adherence to pertinent ethical principles and regulations.

Editorial Board

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief: 

Dr. Amit Jain 


Managing Editors: 

Dr. Kirti 

Dr. Hrishikesh Manu 

Dr. Md. Safiullah 


Editorial Assistance Team: 

To be updated soon


Call for Paper

Call for Paper

Those interested may send their submissions to editor.cnluljr@cnlu.ac.in.

The important dates are as follows:

  1. Last date for submitting an Extended Abstract for Research Articles: 10 March 2024
  2. Decision on Abstract Selection: 2nd April, 2024
  3. Last date for submitting the full-length paper: 15 May 2024
  4. Last date to contribute Notes and Comments: 15 May 2024
  5. Last date to contribute Book Reviews: 15 May 2024


Download Call for Papers


Current Issue

Current Issue

Volume 10 2022-23